UK Vehicle Data Ltd is a top level licenced DVLA UK data company - Is your supplier on the list?

API Response codes

How to handle our standard API responses and codes

1. Status structure

Our standard data object structure for response codes and error messages.

    "Response": {
    "StatusCode": "Success",
    "StatusMessage": "Success",
    "StatusInformation": {
      "Lookup": {
        "StatusCode": "Success",
        "StatusMessage": "Success",
        "AdviceTextList": []

The status structure is made up of 3 top level objects, StatusCode, StatusMessage and StatusInformation. Each of these top level objects return specific information relating to your request which can be parsed and evaluated.

Response.StatusCode [String]

Top level status code information.

  • Success - The request was a success. You still need to check StatusInformation for any sub messages.
  • ItemNotFound - No item data found for the request and we have assumed the 'key' is in the correct format e.g. number plate, postcode etc.
  • InformationNotAvailable - The data on this item is restricted and we are unable to serve you the data. An example may be diplomatic or military registrations
  • KeyInvalid - The 'Key' was not recognised or did not match any known patterns. The 'Key' is the information you pass to us such as key_vrm or key_postcode.
  • ServiceUnavailable - The service is not available - Example being an external service this query depends on reports itself as unavailable such as our data partners in other countries.
  • InformationTemporarilyUnavailable - The information is temporarily unavailable. A link to another data partner has timed out. You may see this error for any realtime systems such as banking or VAT.
  • SandboxLimitation - Code given when trial account limitations are encountered. Restrictions such as daily limits or 'Key' request limitations.
  • Failure - General failure code used for rare edge cases when another more specific code didn't match. Example being when an otherwise unfiltered exception occurred or if the package definition was not found.
  • Disabled - The requested data package is disabled.

Response.StatusMessage [String]

A free text field where we enter an appropriate message string based on the Response.StatusCode top level message. If the result is anything other than 'Success' you will need to check the StatusInformation object

Response.StatusInformation.Lookup [Object]

The top level object that holds the detailed status information

Response.StatusInformation.Lookup.StatusCode [String]

The top level object that holds the detailed status information

  • Success - The request was a success. You still need to check StatusInformation for any sub messages.
  • VehicleNotFound - No item data found for the request and we have assumed the 'key' is in the correct format e.g. number plate, postcode etc.
  • ServiceUnavailable - The service is not available - Example being an external service this query depends on reports itself as unavailable such as our data partners in other countries.
  • SuccessWithDataIntegrityWarning - Check the StatusMessage and AdviceTextlist
UK Vehicle Data Ltd
Princess House, Princess Way
Swansea, SA1 3LW
+44 1792 722 720

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UK Company Number 09756191 - VAT Registration Number GB 222 0470 60